Progress Update (LONG TIME NO SEE) | Devlog #11

Hey! It's been a while since I've wrote an update on the game so I'll let you in on what I've been doing.

First off:
I am still working on the game!

However I haven't done much work on the game as I've been busy with other things, school, work, and drawing. And I've been having trouble justifying working on the game because of my drawing, I want to draw often and I don't want to not have a drawing posted on my socials regularly, so that I can grow my accounts and following, etc.

But I have started working on it again,  and I never had any intention to stop working on it in the first place.

So what I'm up to at the moment is a total revamp of the User Interface, total revamp of existing features, making scripting certain things more streamlined, music, and other features such as multiple saves.

I'll end this Devlog here for now, and I'll try updating you lot more often.

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